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Angel Protector of Self-Worth | Obsidian Mirror Keeper | Winged Amulet of Self-Love


Everything turns in the eye of the great unknown. Even for angels, the world's heaviness is a substance of constant refinement. Yet an angel never loses faith. Their inner eye reflects love and devotion upon the ethereal magic that gave them their existence, the source of innocence that keeps them light-winged and unburned.


The Spirit of Ziaqurin

Ever guarding the heart’s sensitive gates, Ziaqurin abandons herself to love, trusting the treasure within. With wings wide and head aloft, she embodies deep self-esteem and devotion. In her presence, knowing oneself as worthy, loved, and beautiful is all that matters.


Crafting an Angel

Wishing her outer form to mirror her inner essence, Ziaqurin adorned herself with objects of great natural beauty: a head of wild Proboscidea seed, a driftwood body, raw wool wings, a fur tail, and at her chest, a tiny black obsidian mirror. Angels, like humans, take on the resplendence of the things they adore.


Ziaqurin’s Keeper

The one who holds Ziaqurin carries great gifts yet remains haunted by past energies. Those energies can sometimes distract us, leading us to question our worth and self-love, and hindering the Way of the Soul. Whenever this happens, Ziaqurin unfolds her protective wings, shielding her keeper from toxic perceptions; then she ascends, lifting the mind to higher planes, to float with trust upon inner bliss.


Amulet Care

A winged spirit, Ziaqurin belongs to the air. She may hang from a tree, a sacred space, or a shrine’s mirror. In moments of doubt, take her in both hands, gaze into her obsidian mirror, and rise—like a phoenix—into a heavenly contemplation of your inner reflection.


The path to self-love begins with a single act of trust. Will you take Ziaqurin’s wing and rise above?

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