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Keeper of New Beginnings / Amethyst Crystal Light Being / Tiny Amulet Companion of Transformation


*** Challin has been adopted and is no longer available ***


Challin stands as the bridge between endings and beginnings, guiding the spirit through the cycles of death and rebirth. Her name means "the flicker of light in the dark," reminding us that every transformation begins as a glimmer in the gloom.


The Spirit of Challin
Instead of a face, Challin bears an amethyst crystal, keeper of light and wisdom in trying times. Kept within her medicine bag is a ray of light forever shrouded by darkness, for such is the journey of those who seek their own path and no other. 


The Energy of Rebirth
Challin works quietly, as all profound transformations do. She guides your soul through the liminal spaces, helping you to let go of the remanants of what has passed and to embrace the uncertainty of what is yet to come. 


A Sacred Creation
Challin is an amethyst being bound woven with threads and cloth, her crystal light presence clearing away the fog of anxiety and opening your being to unseen possibilities. Her tiny satchel, made with leather, is a portal for the guiding intentions that enter into the world through the depths of our unconscious. Suspended beneath her leather-bound satchel, a fragment of red coral beats like a tiny heart— a charm of courage to confront the unknown that we must face in order to feel free.


How Challin Walks With You
Place her near your bed or keep her with you during times of great change. Speak your fears and dreams into her satchel, and she will carry them away to the depths the soul and clear your way for action. Contemplete her amethyst face when you need a guiding light to illuminate the way forward.


The Message She Brings
To embrace rebirth is to honor the courage it takes to let go. Challin teaches that every death—whether of a chapter, a self, or a dream—is a sacred step toward the next part of your story, waiting to unfold. She is the keeper of your becoming, the guardian of your cycles of change, and the tiny glimmer of light that never fades.


Challin waits for the one ready to transform. Will you journey with her?

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